Shielding High-Value Apps: The Role of In-App Protection Technology


In-App Protection constitutes an advanced suite of security measures tailored to safeguard applications against a spectrum of cyber threats throughout their lifecycle. These tools are engineered to shield, identify, assess, and mitigate both familiar and novel cybersecurity risks encountered by high-value applications operating in unsecured environments. They offer real-time defense mechanisms against threats like repackaging, malware, script injection, cryptojacking, and SMS interception. Furthermore, these tools prevent malicious scripts or utilities from gaining access to application programming interfaces (APIs).

The proliferation of mobile device usage has expanded the scope of targets for cybercriminals to include mobile apps and their ecosystems. Given that mobile apps typically assume direct users are legitimate, cybercriminals exploit various attack vectors. As mobile devices increasingly handle sensitive tasks such as banking, the imperative for robust in-app protection technologies has escalated. Such technologies play a pivotal role in shielding applications from diverse cyber threats.

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Key Questions Addressed by this Study:

·       Competitive Landscape: What is the current state of competition within the In-App Protection market?

·       Market Share: What is the market share held by major vendors in this domain?

·       Competitive Dynamics: What are the key competitive dynamics shaping the global and regional markets for In-App Protection?

·       Leading Vendors: Who are the leading vendors in both the global and regional markets?

·       Industry Specialization: Are there vendors specializing in specific industries?

·       Market Positioning: What are the competitive factors influencing the market positioning of different vendors?

·       Strengths and Challenges: What are the relative strengths and challenges faced by vendors operating in this market segment?

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Vendors covered in this study ?

AppDome, Approov, Build38,, F5, Guardsquare, Imperva, Jscrambler, KOBIL, Lookout, OneSpan, PreEmptive, Promon, Verimatrix, and Zimperium. 

Several notable trends characterize the landscape of In-App Protection solutions:

Advancement and Strengthening: In-App Protection solutions continue to evolve and fortify themselves against the escalating sophistication of cyber threats. Vendors are actively investing in enhancing their capabilities to secure both public and internal web applications against an array of attacks, including bot attacks, injections, application-layer assaults, and denial of service (DoS) incidents.

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Numerous vulnerabilities threaten the mobile application environment, posing significant risks to organizational security. These vulnerabilities include SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), broken access control, buffer overflow attacks, cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and malware such as screen scraping.


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